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On October 21st, we celebrate World Energy Saving Day, which provides an opportunity to reflect on how we use energy and how small actions can make it more sustainable.

Ahorro energia

The main goal is to raise awareness in society about the importance of reducing energy consumption and promoting sustainable practices. Days like this aim to achieve several objectives, such as raising awareness about resource scarcity, reducing our footprint, saving energy, and education.

What can we do to save energy?

Some actions we can take in our daily lives to promote energy savings include:

  • Controlling the temperature: In winter, lowering the thermostat by one degree saves 7% of the energy used for heating, and in summer, raising it by one degree can reduce energy use by 10%.
  • Using efficient technologies: Power strips with switches to disconnect devices when not in use, and using appliances with high energy ratings (e.g., A+).
  • Lighting spaces with low-consumption LED bulbs.
  • Using public transportation whenever possible.
  • Adopting the “Right to Repair” approach, meaning repairing instead of replacing.

The planet’s energy sources are increasingly exploited, leading to the depletion of natural resources. Therefore, it is important to use electrical energy rationally, opt for renewable energies, and raise awareness.

At Univergy Solar, we are part of and driving the change in the global energy model, contributing to the intensive use of renewable energies. In this way, we align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and work to build a promising and environmentally respectful future.


Find out more news about the renewable energy sector on the Univergy Solar blog.