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Battery storage System

Battery Storage System

Battery storage systems in Stand-Alone mode are those connected directly to the energy transmission or distribution grid, <b>not hybridized with generation systems in this case.</b>

Due to the energy transition we are experiencing, these systems will be of vital importance for the i<b>ntegration of renewable energies into the electrical grid and to ensure a level of security and supply stability</b> within the objectives set out in the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030.

Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen is a versatile and non-polluting energy vector, from which we can obtain electrical or thermal energy without emitting CO₂.

Using water as the main resource, a new technological route for the electrification of transport and sustainable mobility is opened up, allowing the use of fossil fuels to be replaced by a renewable energy source.

Eco-friendly Technology

We advocate for LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate or LiFePO₄) battery technology, which is safer and contains non-polluting and harmless elements for living beings, such as iron phosphates.

Renewable Integration

Energy storage improves the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid, which depend on weather conditions for their operation.

Low Impact

Stand-alone storage projects are much more compact than generation projects, significantly reducing the impact generated by the projects.


  • Technical/economic study.
  • Project development.
  • Financing search.
  • Construction and commissioning.
  • Assistance and maintenance.
More information

If we want to meet the goals set out in the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030 and the goal of reducing emissions by at least 55% that the EU has set for 2030 (Objective 55), reaching climate neutrality by 2050, we must develop energy storage, thus supporting renewable generation in its integration into the electrical system.


  • Technical/economic study.
  • Project development.
  • Financing search.
  • Construction and commissioning.
  • Assistance and maintenance.
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