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La Navidad está a punto de llegar y poco a poco, el alumbrado de este 2023 va llegando a las ciudades. Durante esta época del año las principales calles de ciudades y pueblos se llenan de luz y color decorados con motivos navideños.

alumbrado navideño

At Christmas last year, in the midst of the energy crisis, energy and cost saving measures were implemented. Cities such as Vigo or Barcelona turned off the lights an hour earlier than usual.

How sustainable are Christmas lighting?

The sustainability of Christmas lighting can vary depending on how the lights are produced and used, as well as how the associated waste is managed. To do this, we can take into account the following aspects:

  • Use LED lights, as they are more sustainable than traditional incandescent lights. These types of lights consume less energy, have a longer lifespan, and are more energy efficient.
  • Using timers or light sensors can reduce the time lights are on, saving energy and increasing sustainability.
  • We can also choose to recycle old lights that no longer work. In fact, some retailers offer recycling programs for old Christmas lights.
  • Consider the sustainability of packaging when buying new Christmas lights, for example, by looking for minimal packaging or recyclable packaging.
  • Opt for Christmas lights and decorations that use rechargeable batteries. This reduces the amount of waste associated with disposable batteries.

How can we make greater use of renewables in Christmas lighting?

  • Investing in renewable energy infrastructure, such as solar or wind farms, to power Christmas lights. This energy can be incorporated into the city’s general power grid!
  • Integrating solar energy systems into urban décor, such as solar street lights or Christmas decorations with built-in solar panels.
  • Engaging the community towards more sustainable Christmas lighting For example, by conducting awareness campaigns and community events that highlight the importance of renewable energy.
  • Making sure that Christmas events and festivals are energy efficient, not only involving lighting but also other aspects such as sound, heating and cooling.

The degree of sustainability of Christmas lighting depends on both individual and collective choices. By adopting these types of practices, we can significantly contribute to reducing the environmental impact associated with Christmas celebrations.

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