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The use of hydrogen in conjunction with solar power plants involves the generation of 100% carbon-free energy.

The history of humanity is divided into large periods that are almost always marked by important events, such as the appearance of writing, the development of early civilizations, or the industrial revolution. Achieving 100% carbon-free self-sufficiency is the next big challenge in history.

The renewable energy sector, to which Univergy Solar belongs since 2012, has been working on projects in the search for 100% clean-energy generation in all of its processes, generation, production, storage… And one of the best alternatives for the storage of the energy produced seems to be it.

Hydrogen is the most abundant chemical element in the universe and in addition, at the end of its production, it only generates water vapor, so the idea of using it for the production of our basic needs is becoming increasingly popular among professionals in the sector.

“Hydrogen is as clean as the process used to produce it,” shared Antonio Sánchez García, president of AeH2, in a June 16 webinar organized by UNEF, so in cases where natural gas is used in the production process, CO2 is generated which is emitted into the atmosphere and therefore, this process could no longer be considered non polluting.

We can categorize hydrogen into different classifications, depending on the production process:

Gray hydrogen: Natural gas is used to produce it, so it is the most harmful to the environment because it is based on fossil fuels. It is the most widely used today.

Blue hydrogen: When hydrogen is captured and stored, it is less polluting for the environment and is called blue hydrogen.

Green hydrogen: It transforms water into oxygen and hydrogen molecules through the process of electrolysis. It is the most sustainable, given that its production does not emit CO2 but, unfortunately, it is the least used.

Therefore, when hydrogen is achieved through renewable sources, it becomes an effective solution for cleaning up the industry, transport, construction sector, among others, and its permanent implementation in the sector is growing.